Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Essay on Ancient LiteratureEssay Writing Service

Essay on Ancient LiteratureEssay Writing Service Essay on Ancient Literature Essay on Ancient LiteratureThe Genesis and Exodus uncover the story of the world creation and the narrow escape of Jews from Egypt, where they lived in slavery and suffered from oppression. However, themes raised in Genesis and Exodus can be traced in the contemporary art as well. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the theme raised in Exodus became particularly popular and relevant in works of art dedicated to the problem of Holocaust. In its essence Holocaust was the 20th century return of Jews to Egypt, where the life was worth nothing, where they were treated as mere commodities being slaves of Egyptian and Germans respectively. In fact, the Holocaust may be viewed as reincarnation of the Exodus story. At this point, it is possible to refer to The Schindler’s List (1993), the film shot by Steven Spielberg, where the director attempts to show the severe oppression of Jews and face the risk of being slaughtered just because they are Jews. In such a way, the f ilm actually reminds of the life of Jews in Egypt, when Jews has managed to escape from their slavery headed by Moses. Schindler turns out to be the new Moses for Jews in Poland but the film broadens the scope of theme raised by Exodus since even though the director shows the severe oppression of Jews by the Nazi and their urgent need to escape, it is a non-Jew, Oskar Schindler, a German businessman, who becomes their savior, unlike Moses, who was Jew and the true leader of his people, that means that the director probably wanted to show that actions of Schindler were driven not by national but universal, humanistic concerns.

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